How to Find Us
One block north of I-10; one block east of Kirkman on the corner of Railroad Avenue and Reid Street; enter parking lot from Reid Street. You may also park in front of the theatre along Railroad Avenue, handicapped parking is available directly in front of the theatre.
To get here:
From Enterprise Blvd. - heading North toward I-10, cross under the Interstate and turn left onto the feeder road. Turn right onto Reid Street. The theatre will be on the left.
From Kirkman St. - heading North toward I-10, cross under the Interstate and turn right onto Railroad Avenue. Travel 1 block East, turn right onto Reid Street.
From Sulphur and points west:-Find your way to I-10; travel east to Lake Charles; take the Enterprise Blvd exit; turn left onto Enterprise Blvd passing under I-10; take a left onto the service road of I-10 (you are now driving along the interstate west); turn right onto Reid Street (3rd street down); look for large parking area on your left as you drive north on Reid Street.
From Iowa, Jennings and points east: Find your way to I-10; travel west to Lake Charles; take the Enterprise Blvd exit onto the service road; do not turn but continue on the service road; turn right onto Reid Street (3rd street down after you cross Enterprise); look for parking area on your left as you drive north on Reid Street.
From DeRidder and points north: Make your way to Highway 171 and travel south to Lake Charles. Enter I-10 westbound and take the Enterprise Blvd. exit. Directions are then the same as above.